Pressing Pause on the Podcast: For Now We Say Goodbye
It is with a heavy heart that we here at Boost Oregon have to stop the production of our incredible podcasts. We have a responsibility to the public to combat vaccine-preventable diseases and ensure that we can still provide our services to the public and medical community.
We are pressing pause on these shows for the time being. If you have the time and resources, please get involved with the amazing organizations we've featured on the show. If you want to see these shows return, please donate to Boost Oregon at
From all of us here at Boost Oregon to you, thank you for joining us on this journey.
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Nadine Gartner: (00:03)
Hey there. Boosting our voices. Listeners, thanks for tuning in. This is Nadine Gartner from Boost Oregon, filling in for Ari o' Donovan while she's on maternity leave. If you've been keeping up with the news, you know that the world is on fire. One story that may not have hit your radar is measles. Yeah, measles is back in the United States in a big way as of April 12th, 2024. There were more measles cases in the US this year than in the entirety of 2023. Just think about that for a moment. We're only a quarter of the way through 2024, and we've already surpassed the number of measles cases that we saw in all of last year. Boost organ's work, which aims to minimize the harms from vaccine preventable diseases is more important than ever. To that end, we're pressing pause on the boosting our voices and neighborhood doctor podcasts. We need to commit our limited funds to vaccine education for the public and training for medical providers so that we can protect all Oregonians. Thank you for being a dedicated listener of our podcasts. If you've enjoyed our episodes, please share them with your friends, and most importantly, check out the organizations and businesses that we've amplified. Our aim with these podcasts was to build community and shine a spotlight on folks doing amazing things, and we can still do that through our existing content, which will be available for the foreseeable future.
Nadine Gartner: (01:55)
If you'd like to see the podcast return with new content, please donate to Boost Oregon today at slash donate. Your gift will combat outbreaks of disease and support the return of our podcasts. Thank you so much for being a part of our journey. Be well and be kind to one another.