How We Help

For Providers


Boost Oregon appreciates that you are a busy medical provider with limited time to spend with each patient. 

You may not have the opportunity to delve into the details about vaccines with every patient or to debunk the myriad of myths that exist.  Boost Oregon is here to help by:


Boost Oregon can assist you and your patients:

Medical Provider Trainings

Boost Oregon offers seminars for all medical providers who want to learn how to talk about vaccines with their patients.

The seminars address patients’ common questions about vaccines, how to address this topic positively and without fear, how to make your patients feel heard, and how to follow up with patients without alienating them.

If you are interested in scheduling a seminar for your organization, please fill out the form below.


Boost Oregon also offers motivational interviewing training for providers, public health employees, social services professionals, and anyone who may benefit. Training sessions can be in-person or virtual and span two to six hours. Visit our Motivational Interviewing page to learn more.

Provider Resources

We offer a guide specifically for Providers here: Counseling Vaccine-Hesitant Parents: A Medical Providers' Guide.

We also have many different resources you can share directly with parents- view more below!

Hear from pediatrician Dr. Dita how she uses Boo’s resources in her practice.

Request Materials From Boost Oregon

We have many different kinds of educational materials you can share with your patients and their parents.

Order printed copies of Boost Oregon’s resources from our shop, or request materials through the button below.

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Resources To Share With Parents

Looking for resources in other languages? Click on the language below.

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